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<title>Deme » {% viewable_name item %}{% if action_title %} » {{ action_title }}{% endif %}</title>
{% else %}
<title>Deme{% if action_title %} » {{ action_title }}{% endif %}</title>
{% endif %}
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{% ifequal action 'list' %}
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if (item) {
{% if item %}
{% calculatecomments %}
{% calculateactionnotices %}
{% calculatehistory %}
{% calculaterelationships %}
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{% if item %}
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{# TODO links are black because of ui-widget-content to a #}
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<h3><a href="#">Item Details</a></h3>
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{% itemdetails %}
<h3 id="accordion_header_comments"><a href="#">{{ n_comments }} comment{{ n_comments|pluralize }}</a></h3>
<div style="background: none;">
{{ comment_box }}
<h3><a href="#">{{ n_action_notices }} action notice{{ n_action_notices|pluralize }}</a></h3>
{{ action_notice_box }}
<h3><a href="#">{{ n_versions }} version{{ n_versions|pluralize }}</a></h3>
{{ history_box }}
<h3><a href="#">{{ n_relationships }} related item{{ n_relationships|pluralize }}</a></h3>
{{ relationships_box }}
<h3><a href="#">Permissions</a></h3>
{% permissions_box %}
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{% new_item_menu %}
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{# TODO add magnifying glass #}
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<div class="crumbs">
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<div class="title">
{% block title %}
{% if item %}
<img src="{{ item.actual_item_type|icon_url:24 }}" title="{% item_type_verbose_name item %}" /> {% viewable_name item %}{% if action_title %} » {{ action_title }}{% endif %}
{% else %}
<img src="{{ accepted_item_type|icon_url:24 }}" title="{% item_type_verbose_name accepted_item_type %}" /> {% if action_title %}{{ action_title }}{% else %}{{ accepted_item_type_name_plural|capfirst }}{% endif %}
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{% if item %}
<div class="ui-widget-header ui-corner-top ui-helper-clearfix" style="padding: 5px;">
Member Of
<div class="ui-widget-content ui-corner-bottom ui-helper-clearfix" style="padding: 5px; margin-bottom: 10px;">
{{ memberOf_box }}
{% endif %}
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{% endif %}
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