Team meeting 6/22/2011

Agenda 6/22/11

Pushing and pulling (git), deploying to server

Learning code and web programming
  • Read later chapters in Django book - read the whole thing
  • Documentation on Django website is a reference

Event viewer (Noam, Jimmy, review)
  • Jimmy will work on that
  • Check permissions before displaying fields in template code

    {% ifagentcan 'view' event %}
    {{ }}
    {% else %}
    {% endifagentcan %}

Diff displayer' (Mike, Noam)
  • Noam found HTML diff viewer that is open source:
  • Model view separation?
  • HTML is harder than plain text so need to go with what is available

Email integration (deliverable due June 30)
  • Will include diff display
  • Firewall issue on Deme website not an issue for AIR specifically - can't send to outside addresses
  • Need to edit template for email deme_django/cms/templates/notification/
  • four types of notif messages discussed and agreed upon

List viewer proposal

Symsys website - spam, slowness, code push (Chris, Mike, Joe)
  • performance problems may be due to virtualization - Ubuntu standard (KVM) in use now, but everyone else uses Xen or vmware
  • Also may be due to database not being able to fully reside in memory
  • Chris may copy Symsys databse to his laptop and see how fast it runs, profile performance, work with Mike to get started
  • Chris will do research and take on moving to the cloud: 4 servers are PIECE ($40/mnth on Linode), Whovoted (under $20/month); keep Deme and Symsys on our box; entire machine would cost about $200/month
  • Todd and Chris will talk about integrating alumni database with spreadsheet data

Issues document (and Mike's local todo document) - create project tool?
  • Mike recommends using Git plaintext document instead - committing a text file there
  • Synchronous and asynchronous editing with notice to users seeing users - synchro is harder because can't use TinyMCE, and how do we store versions with synchro editing
  • Jimmy will create new Git document in repository for issues, migrating and organizing issues in Deme Issues, placing link item in Deme Team Folio to replace current Deme Issues document, merge with Mike's old document in repo

Report on yesterday at CMU-SV (Todd)
  • Possible empirical studies this summer with Jimmy

Mike webcast to everyone to explain Deme plumbing (including permissions)

Noam's Git Hub Notes

Usual path of updating the github
git pull
python migrate
git status
git add
git status
git commit
git push

password: nblazer201

to add another user 'sudo adducer jtobin1'

to make an update
cd /var/www/deme/deme_django/
sudo -u www-data git pull
maybe a migrate

sometimes restart apache
if changed py
sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart

sudo su - mike (logs in as mike)
history (displays my history)

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