Notes from OpenWebCamp III, July 16, 2011, Stanford.
Christian Heilmann (Mozilla): "HTML Battles Still to Be Won" slides - excellent talk, lots of useful slides with references to webpages that utilize various features of HTML 5 and associated technologies
- interesting points: Javascript for client and server side
Bebo White (SLAC emeritus): "Linked Open Data: A Step Towards the Semantic Web"
- Had a brief exchange with him about open versus closed data. Linked Open Data is a special case of Linked Closed Data, but the LOD movement is not tackling permissions in its framework. (Todd)
Apps for all the Web - Widgets, WAC, and beyond by Charles McCathieNevile.
- Exchange afterward: Web brower restrictions on apps (e.g. not going full screen) are due to security issues, but downloadable apps have same issues. Assumption is either that review process will weed out bad apps, or people will understand they are at risk with downloads in a way they don't understand with Web phishing. Both assumptions are dubious. (Todd)
Inclusive Design, by Cindy Li, Yahoo! Applications Product Designer.
- Asked about legal restrictions on getting user disability data - a sensitive issue it seems. (Todd)