Restored from Version 30 on the crashed site.
1. Symsys: Adding Symsys affiliates is too cumbersome - needs to be streamlined (Todd)
2. I get a destroy button on a deactivated item, but then get the following when I try to destroy it:"Permission Denied - You do not have permission to
perform the action on?Membership 12532?(it is destroyed)". Status of the Membership shows up as Destroyed.(Todd)
3. We need bulk deactivate and destroy features in a collection viewer - e.g. check boxes next to each item to be removed. (Todd)
4. Symsys: Let's enable anonymous posting on our jobs, research, and other opportunities newsrolls, with arithmetic challenge. (Todd)
5. Trying to comment on this item (Deme Issues) when logged in as Mike says "enter phrase to prove you're not a spammer" but no textbox appeared to enter the
phrase. (Mike)
6. Symsys: Change "occupation" to "affiliation" for Symsys affiliates. (Todd)
7. Event viewer starts with end date and time. Should display times and location more gracefully. (Todd)
8. Symsys: Need to add Joe's newsroll viewer on the right column of the homepage, with current contents as first three stories. (Todd)
9. Symsys: Search is not retrieving items reliably. If I type in "firestone", for example, or even "honors awards" I get a zero result, instead
of? (Todd)
10. EMERGENCY: Symsys: Private info is leaking; privacy is not migrated correctly on contact addresses. (Todd)?(resolved by Joe, 5/27/10)
11. Symsys: Let's make the end date for a Symsys career be YYYY-12-31 instead of YYYY-01-01. (Todd)
12. Symsys: Tim Luo is a member of Bachelors students, but not Undergraduates. How do I make him a member of Undergraduates? (Todd)? (resolved by Todd, 5/31/10
- I figured out that I needed to make the membership in Bachelors Students permission enabled)
13. Symsys: List view does not list items alphabetically - it should do so. (Todd)
14. We need a bulk uploader for ImageDocuments, so you can upload a bunch of photos without having to fill out a fresh form. (Todd)
15. Symsys: Need to enable Webauth logins. (Todd)
16. On the Item Data menu, under Permissions, above the list of permissions, let's add the following text: "As user <Agent|"Anonymous" if AnonymousAgent> you
can:". This will clarify how the user should read the Permissions list. (Todd)
17. Deme: I have had to reboot Deme.Stanford.Edu completely about once a week. In this situation, restarting Postgres and Apache doesn't work. (Todd)
+ update: I set crontab to restart Apache and Postgresql each twice a day, at 3 am and 3 pm (Apache) and 9 am and 9 pm (Postgres), while we wait for the
memory upgrade. (Todd, 6/19)
+ update: site was down this morning at 8 PDT. I did sudo reboot. (Todd, 6/21)
18. Symsys: The viewer for creating new job listings (and research listings) does not automatically add a created job ad item to the collection of jobs. It
should do so with default permissions restricted to Symsys affiliates. (Todd)
19. Versions list on Item Data menu should include date-time in the visible listing, plus updater on mouseover. (Todd)
20. Item info box should include an "Updated:" field for when last updated. (Todd)