Deme Issues

New Issues:

Creator of a Deme account can Login As that account holder. This should be stopped. Login As should probably be a global ability reserved for administrators. (Todd, 2/8/2011)

Symsys: Symsys Affiliates cannot edit their own passwords and password questions by default. This should be changed. May be a general feature of Deme Accounts. (Todd, 2/8/2011)

Issue Man-hours Value Todd?
1. Symsys: Adding Symsys affiliates is too cumbersome - needs to be streamlined (Todd) 4 2 Todd
3. Unify collection viewer with list action, include bulk actions such as bulk deactivate/reactivate/destroy, and if possible bulk edit where you can change some fields without modifying others, better sorting of any type (without violating permissions to view the name) 20 3  
4. Fix captcha or better prevent spam in anonymous postings 8 3 Todd
5. Trying to comment on this item (Deme Issues) when logged in as Mike says "enter phrase to prove you're not a spammer" but no textbox appeared to enter the phrase. (Mike) 2 3  
6. Symsys: Change "occupation" to "affiliation" for Symsys affiliates. (Todd) 0.4 2  
7. Event viewer starts with end date and time. Should display times and location more gracefully (start time before end time). (Todd) 0.5 2  
9. Improve search. It should search for more fields than just the name (but keep permissions in mind), and it shouldn't require exact match 20 3  
11. Symsys: Let's make the end date for a Symsys career be YYYY-12-31 instead of YYYY-01-01. (Todd) 0.5 2  
14. We need a bulk uploader for ImageDocuments, so you can upload a bunch of photos without having to fill out a fresh form (html5 (Todd) 2.5 2  
15. Symsys: Need to enable Webauth logins. Get SSL working (Todd) 3 3  

32. Merge performance changes made directly on symsys site into git repository (Mike 12/4/10) 0.5 3
22. Deme/Symsys: When I click on create new Deme Account while viewing a SymsysAffiliate, I get "You do not have permission to create authentication methods." even though I can create the account. (Todd, 12/4/10) 5 2  
23. Deme: Should support graphic layout design within Deme, e.g. for DjangoTemplateDocuments, or at least editing the standard menus (Navigation menu). Potentially a set of skins (Todd, 12/4/10) 100 1  
26. Deme: Permission setting should have a much easier interface. Replace unchecked versus checked box with minus and plus to indicate negative and positive permissions. Create hierarchies of permissions so that one setting can result in a whole bunch of abilities being assigned. (Todd, 12/4/10) 15 2 Todd
28. Symsys: Academic Year Research Opportunities, Other Opportunities, and Jobs lead to New HTML Document when the Create new button is pressed. Should create a new HTML Advertisement instead. This is what the nav menu link for new jobs does. All these should be collections of HTML Adverstisements, not HTML Documents generally. (Todd, 12/4/10) 1 2  
29. Symsys: Need to create new subsite for internship ads. (Todd, 12/4/10) 3 3  
30. Upgrade symsyshoster to see more than 3.2gb memory: (Mike, 12/4/10)   3  
31. If the memory upgrade does not solve stability issues, then do something else about it   3  
21. Deme project site should save permissions data in between restarts. I lost global abillities settings I had created for Anonymous on the Deme site after a recent restart. I had taken away create abilities for Anonymous so we wouldn't get spam and hacking attempts. (Todd, 12/4/2010)   3  

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