Meeting Agenda and Notes, 7/20/2011
Discuss ideas emerging from OpenWebCamp:
- HTML5 form elements to replace JQuery and custom form elements
- Full screen and widgets/apps
- Server side Javascript
- awesome free reference
- All slides from Open Web Camp
Customizable Group Website Proposal (Mike):
- 2: use non-item django records to store hierarchical menus (which can either store item ids or URLs)
- background color, text color, logo image, the navigation menu items, whether or not the item data menu is minimized on load, and maybe a selector for CSS theme, customized selection of widgets
- Wordpress is good model except things are spread across too many categories: tools, settings, appearance, dashboard, etc.
Polls and Decisions Proposal (Todd and Noam):
* PollResponse is not an item, just a django model
* Poll.display_write_ins: Boolean
* Proposition.is_write_in: Boolean
* Decision: don't need execute field yet - better to add later when we know how to attach code to decisions
* Decision: point to a Poll instead of extending the Poll item type.
Project and Task Creator and Editor Proposal and Notes (Todd and Jimmy)
Task Form:
Quick Edits:
- switch due date and beginning date
- Add text box for priority
- Do not allow anonymous posting.
More in depth:
- for "repeating" use ajax to have a drop down appear to ask the frequency. Also need to add in the repeating functionality.
- For a groupAgent task handler ideally we would have a check box that would prompt "Is this task being handled by multiple agents?" If it is checked then a box would pop up allowing you to create a groupAgent by selecting the agents you want.
- Maybe a general item selector for text boxes so that we can enter multiple things.
- Task Handler UI: maybe have "type or select" default text and a downward arrow on the right side that allows a user to either press select or the arrow to see all possible items.
- Here is the skeleton for the Agent Selector:
- Should a task just be a project, so there is only one item type (Project)?
- Idea: Project inherits from both Collection and HTMLDocument. Adds fields specified for both Projects and Tasks, but we would start with just one item type
- Noam will build the model and a viewer for Project as a collection of Projects that inherits from HTMLDocument and Collection, called Recursive Project
- Jimmy will do a mockup user test to see if users can deal with recursive projects without tasks as well as with tasks
Document commenting (Todd, Jimmy, and Noam)
- Use HTML5 Canvas element to draw lines and arrows?
- Popout button for documents and comments to view them in isolation, with full screen option
Report on Symsys (Chris, Mike, Todd)
- Spreadsheet/db filling (Chris, Mike)
- Dev discussion and issues space for Symsys (Chris)
- Report on yesterday's memory fail incident (Todd, Mike)
Old business
Event viewer (Noam, Jimmy, review)
- Change spacing between dates and times.
Email integration
- Firewall issue on Deme website not an issue for AIR specifically - can't send to outside addresses - Todd sent HelpSU:
- The HelpSU system has received and filed a HelpSU request with
- the incident ID of INC000001666314 including the following:
- Requester Name: Todd Davies
- Department: Symbolic Systems
- Phone Number: (650) 723-4091
- Request Category: Email and Calendar
- Request Type: Security issue or concern
- Description: We have web applications (in particular the Symbolic Systems Program website) that need to send outgoing mail. We were directed to this page:
- However, we don't yet meet the outgoing email standards and requirements. We still need to send mail to non-stanford addresses (students and alumni who use
- addresses, for example). Is there a way we can set up our MTA (postfix and exim) to direct outgoing mail through an authorized SMTP server
- elsewhere on campus? I noticed the page said something about "All other traffic will continue to be routed through the Leland servers"
- Firewall needs to be resolved for Symsys website (Chris and Todd will work on this - resubmit HelpSU)
List viewer proposal
- Mike will start to work on generic Ajax viewer, get it to work for comments in grid view and sorting, separate thread view to meet deliverable
Shared drawing board
- Todd and Mike used - Todd tried to create account but failed; Jimmy has created an
account - Todd will try again
If needed Jimmy's is username: jtobin1 pass: deme123
Symsys website - spam, slowness, code push (Chris, Mike, Joe)
- Performance analysis at
- Caching (Mike added to Deme issues)
- performance problems may be due to virtualization - Ubuntu standard (KVM) in use now, but everyone else uses Xen or vmware - laptop tests with no virtualization revealed this does slow things down apparently
- Not clear if cloud hosting would help - could try Linode after code changes; Mike and Chris will work on this this week
- Chris will talk with Mike about integrating alumni database with spreadsheet data
- get started parsing alumni data with python program (save excel to csv), then integrate data into symsys site with Mike's help
- Chris has written program to parse data, still needs to meet with Mike about how to write a Python script that will update the db properly, details of Deme architecture re items to update etc.
- Tasks in the issues list for Symsys - Chris will create a space for Symsys
- development on Symsys and begin organizing and working on Symsys tasks
- symsys tasks are on symsys site in the "Symsys issues" doc
Issues document (and Mike's local todo document) - create project tool?
- Jimmy organized, Mike is editing
- Plan is to move to the project tool once ready
Empirical studies
- Todd will check with Nass, Eckles etc. about studies on salience of speaker effects
- Jimmy found book on acquiescence - will recall
- Jimmy will produce list of abstracts of studies relevant to proposed project
Screen sharing
- Firewall form:
- Got Yuuguu subscription for multiperson sharing and slow bandwidth in alaska
- Can also share with Skype 1-1 for free
Piece server
- Working again after Todd told ITSS it is not compromised
- Plugging holes in Piece software: anonymous posting of items in PHP Deme, anonymously post comments on OD 2005 blog (Wordpress), wiki posting to MoinMoin
- Getting documents to load in 3.5 Codebase for PHP Deme (v0.6)
DjangoCon proposal and schedule
- proposal not accepted
- Plan to go and present in lightning talks and do demo
- Noam will report back by 7/14; Jimmy also
New Business
Project tool
- 3 item types and basic viewers for Project, Task, TaskDependencies as specified on
- Will be pulled onto Deme with migration - Mike and Noam will do
- Learn about migrations:
- Jimmy will work on UI for project tool
- Contract deliverable by 9/30: "Project management tool integrated with discussions . The platform should free users to focus on the content of the issue by managing routine tasks in an automated fashion. Users should be able to create and edit to do items without leaving the deliberation areas. "
Decision and Poll tools
- Noam will review v0.5 implementation and write a proposal
- Contract deliverable by 9/30: "Flexible polls and decisions. Multiple, easy to use options for binding and non-binding decision making should be provided. Rules or guidelines should accompany the tools, how to vote, deadlines for voting, help resources; along with user ratings of tool performance."
Timeline for getting deliverables done. Deliverables by 9/30/2011:
- Project management tool integrated with discussions . The platform should free users to focus on the content of the issue by managing routine tasks in an automated fashion. Users should be able to create and edit to do items without leaving the deliberation areas. - do as module
- Flexible polls and decisions. Multiple, easy to use options for binding and non-binding decision making should be provided. Rules or guidelines should accompany the tools, how to vote, deadlines for voting, help resources; along with user ratings of tool performance. - do as module
- Co-visibility of in-text comments and documents. Text and comments should be visible together in the interface, with clear pointing relations and cross-linking.
- Implement dotted line pointer between located comments (in document) to comments (in side bar), only on hover/click. (Noam, 1 week)
- Multiple meeting areas per group space. The platform should provide private space for groups and sub-groups. This would mirror normal group structures, such as committees, sub-committees, task forces, specific interest or cohort groups, etc.
- Ability to share meeting areas across groups. When different groups wish to combine or share their spaces and resources, the platform should facilitate this for any length of time needed, within the norms established for the project and by the groups.
- Customizable group website, editable and configurable through the web interface. Existing Deme functionality should be enhanced so that users without programming skills can manage the look and feel, as well as the content, of a group's website.
- Optional sorting methods for discussion items. Discussion items should be labeled and searchable. Users should be able to search for, view and sort threads by subject, item, date, author, group affiliation; and see links to associated To Do items.
- Expandable viewers. Viewing items should be easy and adaptable for all users. Full screen options should be easily invoked. Text size and font options should be available to make for easy reading. Dictionary, thesaurus, and translation options would be accessible via the viewer.
Meeting tomorrow at 11 to come up with plan for deliverables
Code review of project management tool (Mike, Noam, Jimmy) - after tomorrow's meeting
Multiple Screen Video Chat
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