Meeting Agenda and Notes, 8/3/2011
- looked for good Django community forum - found no good forums, posted to Stackovervflow and question got deleted; Mike suggests IRC channel and mailing list
- Click on IRC and mailing lists
- Look into postgress arrays
- interdependencies issue for Django models and decision rules
- polls - implement revised model with write-ins
- Change in strategy for implementing Polls and Decisions. Instead of using dynamic fields under one poll item, will make super class for poll and make subclasses of specific polling types for response formats and corresponding proposition responses. Will implement choose n exactly and approve n or fewer
- Also will make subclasses of the decision type for all choose n exactly and approve n or fewer.
I interviewed 4 subjects that had similar results. They were all used to working with social media, but only two had used google docs and none had used google wave. I had two start with the recursiveproject and two start with regular project
I asked them to use enter in a project setup with both styles. The project and task model worked fine. They were confused on dependencies because there was a question on what it means to be dependent and the wording was confusing. The input went fine but will be improved generally. The participants were also confused about the lack of tasks in the second one, but once I explained it, it was simple for them. I asked them what they thought about having a task look the same as a project (tried not to be leading, but wanted to make sure it wouldn't confuse them that tasks would have collections as well). They didn't seem to mind if a task had a collection. I think the main suggestion is to still have a task even if it is just a recursiveproject by another name. So I set out to test if recursiveproject was as intuitive as regular project and I can conclude that it will be fine if we change some nomenclature. Are we considering a different view if the recursiveproject's collection is empty and thus a task?
- Jimmy will work on the interface applying ux
Moving issues to the Project tool
- wait until UI is ready and tool is reviewed
Document commenting (Todd, Jimmy, and Noam)
- Use HTML5 Canvas element to draw lines and arrows?
- Popout button for documents and comments to view them in isolation, with full screen option
- New design for document commenting by next meeting (Todd and Jimmy)
Event viewer (Noam, Jimmy, review)
- code needs to be pulled to the website - Jimmy's notes on how to pull code onto the website:
Email integration
- Todd heard back from HelpSU - need to submit request
- Mike: goal is to get access to an SMTP server we can use for webapps, not get ourselves approved - should be Stanford server; get a token of mail server
Empirical studies
- Jimmy will follow Search links we created to expand the lit database
Proposal from AIR to expand scope to synchro audio deliberation
To everyone writing interface code: Find good resource on accessibility, localization, internationalization and read it before writing front end code
Report on Symsys (Chris, Mike, Todd)
- Spreadsheet is in db with a couple of names not in db - Todd will look into these cases with Alyssa
- Need email lists for each class,
- Dev discussion and issues space for Symsys (Chris)
- Chris will flesh out issues and prioritize
- Add new project to make course scheduler
- Chris: Go through issues in main Deme issues doc on Github for others that are relevant to Symsys (including general Deme issues) - include in a new plan for getting Symsys ready for wider and more extensive use of its features
Symsys website - spam, slowness, code push (Chris, Mike, Joe)
- Site is faster now because of improvements to db querying and permission checking (Chris will ask Mike about this when Mike returns)
- change SHHMAX parameter back from high level (1.6 G)?