Team meeting 8/11/2011

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Meeting Agenda and Notes, 8/11/2011

Conf call today at 1 pm PDT with AIR and Shoshana Sofaer of CUNY: 8005032899; 6642269

We will set up a separate branch for development. Noam?

Polls and Decisions

  • Jimmy and Noam will work on UI for polls and decisions
  • Embed viewers are template tag in the group template for creating folios
  • will need to use ajax and the overide the onchange special methods, look for specific occasions
  • Jimmy will work with Mike on interface for Project
Moving issues to the Project tool
  • wait until UI is ready and tool is reviewed
Document commenting (Todd, Jimmy, and Noam)
  • Use HTML5 Canvas element to draw lines and arrows?
  • Popout button for documents and comments to view them in isolation, with full screen option, and text size setting
  • New design for document commenting by next meeting (Todd and Jimmy) - Todd and Jimmy met Weds. 8/10 11 am
  • Expandable  viewers.   Viewing items should be easy and adaptable for all users.  Full screen  options should be easily invoked. Text size and font   options should be  available to make for easy reading 
  • Dictionary,  thesaurus, and translation options would be accessible via the viewer.
    • Blocking on document viewer proposal, should be part of that discussion
    • Full document translation via some web service (non-html, 1 day; html, not sure)
    • Dictionary/thesaurus/translation, from a highlight
    • Still need to discuss where to place these options in the UI
    • Look at Ben's highlighting code from v0.6
  • Meeting with Todd, Jimmy, Noam on Monday 8/15 11 am
Email integration
  • Todd heard back from HelpSU - need to submit request to
  • Mike:   goal is to get  access to an SMTP server we can use for webapps, not  get  ourselves  approved - should be Stanford server; get a token of mail  server
  • send (talked to Brad)
Empirical studies
Proposal from AIR to expand scope to synchro audio deliberation
  • Todd  and Mike met with them yesterday to discuss
To    everyone writing interface code: Find good resource on accessibility,    localization, internationalization and read it before writing front  end  code
UI    needs to be modified so  users can better interact with Groups and   their  Folios, including  subgroups and folios of other groups with a   folio (Todd, Jimmy, and Noam came up with a design (see ) Weds. 8/10 2 pm PDT - meet by Skype and Drabbleboard)
  • Ability   to share  meeting  areas across groups.  When different groups wish to   combine  or share  their spaces and resources, the platform should   facilitate  this for any  length of time needed, within the norms   established for  the project  and by the groups.
  • Jimmy will implement design as discussed
    • Image will be a transclusion of a pointer to an image document
    • Change Group Description to Purpose.
Customizable   group website, editable and configurable through the web interface.     Existing Deme functionality should be enhanced so that users without     programming skills can manage the look and feel, as well as the   content,   of a group's website.
  • Mike will try to do simply, based on Wordpress customization
List viewer to be used in viewing collections and comments in grid mode (as opposed to threaded mode)
  • Mike will work on this
Expandable   viewers.  Viewing items should be easy and adaptable for all users.   Full screen options should be easily invoked. Text size and font    options should be available to make for easy reading 
Djangocon plans - Todd will buy tickets tomorrow

Report on Symsys (Chris, Mike, Todd)
  • Spreadsheet is in db with a couple of names not in db - Todd will look into these cases with Alyssa
  • Need  email lists for  each class. Subscriptions to Groups should be deleted,  replaced with  subs to Folios for each Class of group (Chris will do)
  • Chris: Look at to see how cumbersome it is to add new people
  • Update codebase on Symsys  - Git pull and disable Project module on Symsys
  • Dev discussion and issues space for Symsys (Chris)
    • Chris will flesh out issues and prioritize by Thursday's meeting
    • Add new project to make course scheduler
    • Chris:      Go through issues in main Deme issues doc on Github for others that     are  relevant to Symsys (including general Deme issues) - include in  a    new  plan for getting Symsys ready for wider and more extensive use   of   its  features
Symsys website - spam, slowness, code push (Chris, Mike, Joe)
  • Site      is faster now  because of improvements to db querying and permission      checking  (Chris will ask Mike about this when Mike returns)
  • Ajaxing the sidebar - Mike
  • change SHHMAX parameter back from high level (1.6 G)? Mike will fix so we don't have to set it so high

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