Meeting Agenda and Notes, 8/16//2011
- Design ready for coding (Noam and Jimmy)
Deme Default Layout
- Jimmy will work with Mike on interface for Project
Moving issues to the Project tool
- wait until UI is ready and tool is reviewed
Document commenting (Todd, Jimmy, and Noam)
- Jimmy will produce design spec for comment viewing based on 8/11 meeting
Email integration
Empirical studies
- Todd and Jimmy will meet when Jimmy has new
Proposal from AIR to expand scope to synchro audio deliberation
- Mike will produce a feasibility report for AIR for integrating Deme with an external service, e.g. WebEx
To everyone writing interface code: Find good resource on accessibility, localization, internationalization and read it before writing front end code
- Jimmy will linkify the document
- Move the image and description to left, members on right, with options in a select box under Members for All, Subgroups, and Individuals
Customizable group website, editable and configurable through the web interface. Existing Deme functionality should be enhanced so that users without programming skills can manage the look and feel, as well as the content, of a group's website.
- Mike will try to do simply, based on Wordpress customization
- Todd will ask Shoshanna what is needed for the experiment
List viewer to be used in viewing collections and comments in grid mode (as opposed to threaded mode)
Expandable viewers - Noam will add buttons for these.
Djangocon plans - Todd will buy tickets tomorrow
Report on Symsys (Chris, Mike, Todd)
- Spreadsheet is in db with a couple of names not in db - Todd will look into these cases with Alyssa
- Need email lists for each class. Subscriptions to Groups should be deleted, replaced with subs to Folios for each Class of group (Chris will do)
- Dev discussion and issues space for Symsys (Chris)
- Chris will flesh out issues and prioritize by Thursday's meeting
- Add new project to make course scheduler
- Chris: Go through issues in main Deme issues doc on Github for others that are relevant to Symsys (including general Deme issues) - include in a new plan for getting Symsys ready for wider and more extensive use of its features
Symsys website - spam, slowness, code push (Chris, Mike, Joe)
- Mike gave less mem to db so SHHMAX can remain same