Meeting Agenda and Notes, 9/6/2011
- Add "Add comment" feature for each proposiiton response, to create Deme Comment on any response
- Create a field in PropositionResponse that points to a Comment, can point to Null
- TextComment can be attached either to Poll, in addition to possibly being referenced by a PropositionResponse
- Need to set up so propositions linked to within polls generate breadcrumbs with back link to poll when viewing proposition within poll as its own item
- Make add proposition one button, selecting a prexisting proposition would just be an option in the dialouge box
- {% ifagentcan 'modify_membership' collection %}
- <a href="{% url item_type_url viewer="htmldocument",action="new" %}?add_to_collection={{ }}&redirect={{ redirect|urlencode }}">Create A New Entry ||</a>
- Prepopulate fields: ? in URL
- var url = '{% url item_type_url viewer="transclusion",action="new" %}?populate_from_item={{ }}&populate_from_item_version_number={{ item.version_number }}&redirect={{ full_path|urlencode }}&populate_from_item_index=' +index;
- have a text box at the bottom of the screen and they can submit it and only the admin will see it.
- version_number = models.PositiveIntegerField(_('version number'), default=1, editable=False) just like that make the is_write_in uneditable
- viewer to be completed by end of this week
Deme Default Layout
- Powerpoint on functionality for new layout
- Jimmy will sketch a design for Navigation, tagcloud, and Collection
- Chris will write a Member Of viewer/widget to be placed under Navigation widget when
- Made box appear contingent on viewing item
- Jimmy and Mike worked on permissions in interface for Project - done
Moving issues to the Project tool
- Todd will review UI with Jimmy
Document commenting (Todd, Jimmy, and Noam)
- Jimmy will produce design spec for comment viewing based on 8/11 meeting
- Still need to merge two dabbleboards
- Jimmy will make sure code gets done by end of DjangoCon - Mike and Jimmy will sprint
Empirical studies
- Todd and Jimmy will meet when Jimmy has new
Proposal from AIR to expand scope to synchro audio deliberation
- Mike wrote up analysis for Kip and sent, options are doable within current scope after Sept. 30 delivery
- Kip likes option 3B - will do after current deliverables
To everyone writing interface code: Find good resource on accessibility, localization, internationalization and read it before writing front end code
- Jimmy and Mike will work together to set up list viewer in right way for showing group members and folio
Need integrated way to upload images as items within profiles, groups, etc. at creation; same for creating and adding items to collections in one step
Customizable group website, editable and configurable through the web interface. Existing Deme functionality should be enhanced so that users without programming skills can manage the look and feel, as well as the content, of a group's website.
- Mike will try to do simply, based on Wordpress customization
- Todd will ask Shoshanna what is needed for the experiment
Expandable viewers - Noam will add buttons for these.
- Made a button with instructions for full screen
- Fix resizing, just broke, do a mouseover dive and a click div to display fullscreen intructions
- Put in Format bar below in default viewer
Report on Symsys (Chris, Mike, Todd)
- Chris will talk to Mike and Todd about setting permissions correctly so that everyone cannot add users to any group, including those with email lists - could lead to massive spamming
- Problem is a bug in adding to collection - Chris will fix
- Make an everyone cannot comment permission on all class folios
- Can design a new viewer that only people in the AF group can access that essentially streamlines this whole process, you click on the button and fill out only one form and it creates the deme account, symsys affiliate account, and bachelors career. Filling out the form could even send the automated email message!
- Dev discussion and issues space for Symsys (Chris)
- Chris will flesh out issues and prioritize by next meeting
- Add new project to make course scheduler