85 action notices
Noam Ben-Avi made it so How does answer allow for range voting? is now transcluded by Polls and Decisions Proposal via Transclusion 417
Noam Ben-Avi made it so Polls and Decisions Proposal now transcludes How does answer allow for range voting? via Transclusion 417
Noam Ben-Avi made it so clever! is now transcluded by Polls and Decisions Proposal via Transclusion 416
Noam Ben-Avi made it so thanks to Noam for this is now transcluded by Polls and Decisions Proposal via Transclusion 415
Noam Ben-Avi made it so Polls and Decisions Proposal now transcludes thanks to Noam for this via Transclusion 415
Noam Ben-Avi made it so The Deme Team folio now contains Polls and Decisions Proposal via Membership 298
Noam Ben-Avi made it so Polls and Decisions Proposal now belongs to The Deme Team folio via Membership 298
Noam Ben-Avi made it so Developer Links Test Comment was commented on in Re: Developer Links Test Comment
Noam Ben-Avi made it so [mikemintz/deme] de6b32: Updated installation documentation to indicate we ... was commented on in test title
Noam Ben-Avi made it so The Deme Team folio is now subscribed to by Email contact method 131 via Subscription 178
Noam Ben-Avi made it so The Deme Team folio is now subscribed to by Email contact method 67 via Noam Ben-Avi's subscription to The Deme Team folio
Noam Ben-Avi made it so The Deme Team folio is now subscribed to by Noam Ben-Avi's email contact method via Subscription 68
Noam Ben-Avi made it so Noam Ben-Avi's email contact method is now subscribed to The Deme Team folio via Subscription 68