From contact method | Todd's Email Contact Method |
Item | The Deme Team folio |
Item version number | 5 |
Todd Davies *** email:
Symbolic Systems Program *** phone: 1-650-723-4091
Stanford University *** fax: 1-650-723-5666
Stanford, CA, 94305-2150 *** web:
USA *** office: 460-040C
On Tue, 5 Jul 2011, Todd Davies wrote:
> Dear team,
> I have submitted a talk proposal for DjangoCon to try to get us a big time
> slot to talk about Deme. You all should have gotten confirmation requests as
> proposed speakers. Can you each please click on those and confirm your
> invitations? These would have been sent out on Thursday or so of last week
> from the DjangoCon site.
> Once you are confirmed you can log in and should be able to see the proposal
> at I am not sure if they will accept it,
> because a talk describing a particular app is unusual at DjangoCon unless it
> is a really widely used app (see last year's schedule at
> If it doesn't get accepted,
> we can still go, but will have to just give a lightning talk describing our
> system or an off-track demo or something.
> Todd
> Todd Davies *** email:
> Symbolic Systems Program *** phone: 1-650-723-4091
> Stanford University *** fax: 1-650-723-5666
> Stanford, CA, 94305-2150 *** web:
> USA *** office: 460-040C