fields for status

From contact method Todd's Email Contact Method
Item Project Model Proposal
Item version number 3
Noam, I'm pasting in your email to me as a comment on the Project Model Proposal, so everyone can see this. You write:

Hey Todd, so just for clarification for status I was thinking you wanted a drop down menu with the following status options
None - This is the default status of a newly created task. If you use GTD, you may want to use this as your inbox.
Next Action - This can be used to indicate which tasks must be completed next.
Active - Indicates a task that must be completed.
Planning - A task that you are planning, so it may not be active yet.

Delegated - A task that you have given to someone else.
Waiting - You are waiting on something external.
Hold - This task has been placed on hold indefinitely, or until you take it off hold.
Postponed - This task has been delayed.
Someday - An optional task, or something that you don't know if you want to do, but you still want to record it for the future.
Canceled - You don't want to complete this task, but you still need it recorded for some reason.
Reference - Use this for tasks that aren't really tasks, but are more of a piece of reference info.
just wanted to double check
- Noam Ben-Avi

This is Toodledo's status system, but I think this is more complicated than we need right now. I'd go with the following status options:


This would mean that it would not be filled in by the user until it is completed. Task would be unassigned until it has a handler. When a handler is assigned it is assigned, and the handler or someone with permissions could change it to completed when it's done.

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